How to master Spotify queues and create custom mixtapes in a minute

How to master Spotify queues and create custom mixtapes in a minute

Spotify queues have been around for quite some time, but few people actually know and use the intuitive feature, resorting to Playlists instead. But meticulously curating a Playlist for every different mood is a tedious task, so for today’s coffee break, I will show you some tricks to modify and clear your Spotify queue to perfectly match every vibe.

Why Spotify’s music recommendations always seem so spot on

Why Spotify’s music recommendations always seem so spot on

Post Views: 252 All of this raises the question: What’s the idea behind showing users how they consumed music? A clue might lie in a study the Spotify research team wrote about last May. The researchers showed 10 users their personal data profiles based on their Spotify account that had information about their top songs…