How to change the boot animation on your smartphone

How to change the boot animation on your smartphone

If you like customizing your smartphone, you’ve probably already tried out different launchers and changed the theme of your device a few times. However, have you ever tried to change the boot animation on your phone? We’ll show you how you can get some custom animations on your smartphone and shake up that boring old boot up animation.

How to back everything up on your Galaxy smartphone

How to back everything up on your Galaxy smartphone

Backing up your Galaxy device regularly is a tedious, but essential process. “I’ve lost all my photos” or “I’ve lost all my contacts” are situations we’re all too familiar with. Have you ever lost your precious data? Well, we’ll show you how to prevent this from happening, and guide you through the process. It’s kind of boring, we know. But you’ll thank us for it later!

How get the Android experience on desktop

How get the Android experience on desktop

If you want to use Android apps or games on your Windows PC, you have several options and we have compared for the methods for you. In this update, we show new emulators like Bluestacks 4 or MEmu, which inherit Andy or Nox and at least use Android 7.1.1. As a bonus we also show you Phoenix, which wants to inherit the full x86 operating system, Remix OS , but can’t.