How to see if Cambridge Analytica grabbed your Facebook data

How to see if Cambridge Analytica grabbed your Facebook data

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. That’s what we’re all mad about now. Or maybe the more cynical among us are just rolling their eyes. Either way, aren’t you a little bit curious about whether Cambridge Analytica accessed your personal Facebook data? Soon we’ll be able to find out ourselves. Here’s how.

Hacker-proof your smart home: Here’s how to protect yourself

Hacker-proof your smart home: Here’s how to protect yourself

You may not know it, but hackers find smart home devices very enticing. In fact, it is good to know that the gadgets that are meant to help you to manage small daily chores in the house are increasingly the victims of attacks. That’s why it is important to take precautions! Here are some tips to help you stay safe.

How to change your Netflix password using your smartphone

How to change your Netflix password using your smartphone

It is not uncommon for people to share Netflix passwords with friends. However, did you know that it is against Netflix’s terms and conditions to so so? Netflix only allows viewing of content among people living in the same household. In fact, Netflix seems to be working on implementing a system where only authorized users will be able to login to Netflix. They have also started blocking access to people using a shared password. Now, if you happen to be someone who has shared your Netflix passwords with friends and do not even know who has access to your account, now might be a good time to change the password. And this article will tell you exactly how to do it using your smartphone.