WhatsApp tip: How to share your ‘Live location’ in real time

WhatsApp tip: How to share your ‘Live location’ in real time

It already works on both Google Maps and the iOS Find my Friends app. We are, of course, talking about sharing your location in real time. Until now, it was only possible to send your current location via WhatsApp. But, since the middle of October 2017, it’s been possible to share your live location with chat partners. We’ll show you how to use this feature below.

How to solve the most common Google Home (Mini) problems

How to solve the most common Google Home (Mini) problems

The Google Home family, comprised of smart home devices from the Mountain View giant, was created with the purpose of simplifying certain aspects of our daily lives. You could say that these gadgets act as a personal assistant, which can be particularly beneficial. It’s too bad that everything doesn’t always work the way you want it to.

Best parental control apps to keep your kids safe in 2019

Best parental control apps to keep your kids safe in 2019

When it comes to children and electronic devices, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Since you can’t always be looking over their shoulder, there are a ton of parental control apps with features like usage monitoring and limits, location tracking and blocking content to make sure kids stay safe and responsible when using smartphones and tablets.