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Jared Eck: 4 Ways to Develop Disciplined Work Ethic

According to Jared Eck, discipline might be one of the last things you think about when starting your own business, but there’s no getting around it. Self-discipline is an integral part of creating and maintaining the kind of business that works for you. It doesn’t matter how brilliant your marketing strategy or how solid your product if you don’t put in the hours at work, it won’t happen

According to Jared Eck, discipline might be one of the last things you think about when starting your own business, but there’s no getting around it. Self-discipline is an integral part of creating and maintaining the kind of business that works for you. It doesn’t matter how brilliant your marketing strategy or how solid your product if you don’t put in the hours at work, it won’t happen

One way to succeed at work or in life is by having a disciplined work ethic. This means taking the initiative and carrying out your responsibilities efficiently and effectively with little oversight from others. But developing this kind of work ethic isn’t always easy, especially if you weren’t taught it from an early age. Here are four ways to develop a disciplined work ethic so you can be successful in your career and personal life as well.

Try To Do Something New Everyday

Jared Eck Believes that It’s easy to get into a routine and work hard, but that approach gets you nowhere in terms of results. Instead, try doing something new every day. It doesn’t have to be something crazy it could be as simple as trying out a new coffee shop or taking a different route on your commute. Simply moving outside of your comfort zone will help you see things from a different perspective and might even open up opportunities for further development and growth. Above all else, remember that no matter how much you work hard at what you do, it won’t be enough if there isn’t dedication behind it.

Set Aside Time for Your Passion

You don’t have to do every single thing you enjoy with your time. Some things are just hobbies and not worth your limited time. That’s why I tell everyone that if you have passion for something, set aside some dedicated time and make it happen. If it’s a passion of yours then don’t let excuses or anything else hold you back. If you love doing something, dedicate some serious time to it and watch what happens!

With that being said there is one huge secret Jared Eck can share about working on your passion. The biggest mistake people make is thinking they need more time in their day. They assume they need to get up earlier, go to bed later, work on weekends, etc. But it doesn’t really matter how much time you put into your passions because at the end of each day we only get 24 hours in our day. No matter how much we want the more free time we will never be able to create more than 24 hours out of thin air. Instead, we should focus on making better use of our current 24 hours by setting aside specific times where we can solely focus on our passions and hobbies without any distractions like emails or phone calls.

Maintain a Schedule

According to Jared Eck, It’s important for everyone to keep a schedule, even if it isn’t written down. Establishing a routine will help you get in the zone when you need it most, giving you more mental energy for other tasks (like dreaming up new ways to grow your business). Once your schedule is set in stone, find ways to be flexible with your time and space.

When you create a schedule for yourself, you won’t have any trouble taking an hour for lunch or going on a run. When you don’t set a schedule, however, it’s tempting to fill your time with unnecessary tasks that don’t contribute toward your end goal. Your work ethic won’t develop unless you learn how to maintain discipline. To get started with building discipline and increasing productivity, try scheduling three daily habits that will make success much more likely. You might want to write them down before adding them to your routine so they become ingrained in your life as part of a greater good.

Set Specific Deadlines

When working on a project, set specific deadlines for yourself. It helps you stay disciplined, avoid procrastination, and allows you to plan your day in a more structured way. If you’re already doing something similar, try setting even shorter deadlines those 15-minute blocks where you can accomplish so much more than it seems. If not, start by breaking down your projects into short tasks that are easier to do within 15 minutes. This will help you stay focused and give you a sense of accomplishment at every interval instead of being overwhelmed by a long list of things that still need to be done when an hour is up.

Master One Skill at a Time

You can’t do everything, and you presumably shouldn’t try. Instead of spreading yourself thin across many interests, focus on mastering one skill at a time. You will quickly see an increase in productivity and have more free time to devote to your personal growth. Jared Eck learned early that it is much easier for me to master a skill if I only do one thing at a time. When I get distracted and start multi-tasking my focus gets divided and I don’t learn as quickly or effectively.

Set Smaller Goals


Jared Eck thinks everyone would benefit from setting smaller goals for themselves every day. At first, it seems like a lot of work, but once you get into a groove and don’t have to spend time deciding what you want to accomplish that day, you will find your work ethic improving by leaps and bounds. This is because when we are not constantly thinking about how much or how little we want to do on any given day, our motivation tends to take care of itself.

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