MUFON Announces Support of National Defense Authorization Act and Federal Government’s Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenal

With the Dec. 15, 2021, Senate passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), expected to be signed into law by President Biden, the Department of Defense will be back into UFO investigations in a public way. MUFON executive director David P. MacDonald acknowledged that it “looks as though we’ll have some competition in the investigative arena, and we say bring it on! We need more trained, qualified and experienced people investigating UFOs.”

In what appears to be ufological karma, MacDonald noted, “The 2022 NDAA, with its extensive unidentified aerial phenomena [UAP] section, sailed through the Senate on December 15. But 52 years earlier, almost to the day, the Air Force announced it was terminating its Project Blue Book investigation into UFOs, saying it didn’t perceive any national security threat to the country nor any scientific return from studying UFOs.” Now “the worm has turned,” MacDonald observed, “180 degrees.”

The NDAA mandates field investigations of UFO—or UAP—incidents using state-of-the-art equipment, the investigations to include medical studies, if necessary. Also required is a “science plan” that will, among other things, evaluate theories to “account for characteristics and performance of unidentified aerial phenomena that exceed the known state of the art in science or technology.”

“That sounds to me like studying this phenomenon certainly might have the potential to add to our scientific knowledge,” MacDonald contended. McDonald added that for decades, serious UFO researchers who have been close to the phenomenon have been saying it appears to manifest a technology beyond what humanity possesses.

“What makes the Authorization Act even more interesting is that it requires an annual unclassified report to various congressional committees that details both the number and types of UAP events received that year, along with summaries of the analyses into them,” MacDonald said. Any threats to U.S. security uncovered in this process also must be set forth. There’s even a clause that stipulates the report include updates on “any efforts underway on the ability to capture or exploit discovered unidentified aerial phenomena,” he stated, quoting from the bill. “It’s obvious this isn’t your father’s Project Blue Book,” MacDonald concluded.

However, he admitted the field has seen earlier hopeful initiatives into the UFO arena simply come to naught—ignoring promising data and/or simply ridiculing those who reported the unusual events. “It’s far too early to assume the Department of Defense will give us answers to what has puzzled us now for at least 74 years,” he said. “Whether this latest effort turns out to be a boon or boondoggle remains to be seen.”

The Mutual UFO Network, with investigators in all 50 states and numerous foreign countries, has been studying the UFO phenomenon for more than half a century. It has received almost five thousand reports of sightings that have occurred in 2021 alone, many of them unexplained after investigation


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