Kim E. Douglas’s newly released “Hannah’s Promise” is a charming children’s book that explores the true-life events of Hannah
Hannah’s Promise”: a lovely faith-based children’s work. “Hannah’s Promise” is the creation of published author Kim E. Douglas.
Douglas shares, “Hannah’s Prayer of Rejoicing:
“My heart rejoices in the Lord
In the Lord my voice is lifted high
My mouth boasts over my enemies,
For I delight in Your deliverance
There is no one holy like the Lord
There is no one beside You
There is no Rock like our God.
(1 Samuel 2:1-2)”
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Kim E. Douglas’s new book offers readers a clear picture of Hannah’s life with relevant scripture.
Douglas offers readers and their families an exciting opportunity for continued biblical education through this delightful work.
Consumers can purchase “Hannah’s Promise” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.