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A Newly Published Book Claims to Tell the ‘Real Story Behind Mysterious Bitcoin Creator’

During the last 13 years, a great number of individuals have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin, but no single person has been able to prove this to the greater crypto community. At the end of August 2019, a marketing and public relations (PR) agency published a press release that featured a man from Pakistan who claimed he invented Bitcoin. While the Pakistani Bilal Khalid provided no proof, the public relations agency’s founder recently published a book called “Finding Satoshi: The Real Story Behind Mysterious Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto.”

In part two, Khalid, who claims he invented Bitcoin, shares information about the Chaldean numerology that influenced his decisions during the purported creation of the software. Part two also reveals details about the alleged BTC Satoshi Nakamoto mined, and Khalid claims to “reveal all facts related to my 980,000 bitcoins.” In part three, Khalid reveals his true identity and he explains that all the coins he mined were on one computer. Allegedly, Khalid’s computer was a Fujitsu laptop that had “military-grade encryption.”

The book gives readers the unique opportunity to join a reporter on the search of a lifetime for the creator of the world’s best-performing investment. It looks at 40 candidates and leads to a little-known, under-the-radar suspect with stunning, previously untold secrets only Bitcoin’s creator could know.

According to the Amazon book description, readers will learn “why he left encryptions in names, dates, and other Bitcoin milestones,” and “his ethnic background and country of residence.” The book description further claims to detail “why his bitcoins once worth $68 billion haven’t moved” and “why he waited eight years to tell his wife he’s Satoshi.” Ivy McLemore’s story says “Nakamoto is invaluable to society because of the specialized knowledge he could share with future generations.” The “Finding Satoshi” book description adds:

Regardless what you believe about Satoshi’s real-life identity, Finding Satoshi gives readers 42 specific points to ponder.

What do you think about Ivy McLemore’s book called “Finding Satoshi” and public relations agency that claimed Bilal Khalid was Bitcoin’s Inventor? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.


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